The movie is a story of American pilots, Nazi officers, and Hungarian horsemen in World War II. American airmen crash-land their plane on the Hungarian Puszta (at the 2:15 point). Both a Hungarian boy and a Nazi officer see the crash and head to the site.
The Hungarians arrive first and rescue the pilots, taking them to their village. The Nazis arrive at the crash site and deduce that the pilots are with the Hungarians, and storm the village (10:58).
The Hungarians hide the Americans and the Kuvasz. At the 12:04 point, the Nazi (for some unknown reason) orders the dogs be set loose (the Kuv are hidden from view but of course they bark). The Hungarian man says that it's "too dangerous -- they're Kuvasz." At the 13:06 point, the Nazi shoots the dogs. Then, Brady starts a horse stampede around the Nazis to distract them from their search for the American airmen. At 13:25, the Hungarian man goes to see and mourn his dead Kuvasz.
The movie is grim, as the entire plot is about evading the relentless Nazis. But we also get to see the Puszta environment that the Kuvasz developed in over hundreds of years, along with great acting and beautiful animals.
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and scroll down to see the screen that starts the movie.
Click here to see KFA's: Clip from the movie "Brady's Escape"
Also info about the movie in IMDB:
Buy the movie on CD at: Bradys-Escape
Click here for Wikipedia info: Wiki/ Brady's Escape