Sunday, September 15, 2019

7th annual "DAY OF KUVASZ LOYALTY" -- "Brady's Escape" movie, pieced together from YouTube

Below is the full (I think) version of the "Brady's Escape" movie, re-constructed from YouTube clips. It runs about 1 hour, 36 minutes.

This movie was made in 1983, when the VHS was the video machine of the day. The entire movie was uploaded in 11 clips to YouTube.

Kuvasz Klip's very own tech consultant, Steve Elftmann, furnished the html code that enables viewing here on this blog.  There's a little gap between each of the YouTube clips, but it's not bad, and the movie flows well.

This movie was made in Hungary by Hungarians, but when it opened in the US in 1984, much of the dialog was in English, with some Hungarian and German. 

The plot:  When two American pilots, Brady and Benson, crash-land in the Hortobágy in 1944, they find help from the Hungarian residents, because, as the doctor says, "The Germans are our allies, but we are occupied."

The Nazis find the flaming wreckage of the plane but see no bodies. So they go in search of the American pilots who must still be alive.

Though allied with (but occupied by) the Germans, the Hungarians work desperately to save the Americans from the Nazis.

The Nazis shot Kuvaszok as casually and cruelly as the Soviets did when the Soviets invaded later that year, in September 1944.
Just before the killing.
My observations on the movie:  In spite of the bleak environment and the hideous behavior of the Nazis, and the fear and anxiety the Hungarians must have felt, there was a thing of beauty that stood out -- the Kuvasz. Other things of beauty were the magnificent horses and Grey cattle and Racka sheep.

The ending was slightly happy but mostly heartbreaking, with the characters suffering the hardship and vagaries of war.


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