Monday, September 14, 2020

History of our Kuvasz - migrating from Central Asia to Europe

"Waves of nomadic peoples from eastern Eurasia have pressed westwards one after another for over 2,000 years....Like the peoples themselves, so their dogs migrated with them from eastern regions of Asia, Siberia and Mongolia, and from their ancestral haunts in southern Iran."*

"The Tatra, a close relative of the Kuvasz and Cuvac and probably  other great mountain herding dogs of Europe, comes from the large Asian mastiffs from who came to Europe about 1,000 years ago."**

*From: Dr. Tibor Buzády, Dogs of Hungary, trans. Bernard Adams, Budapest, Hungary: Nóra Kiadó, 2002, p. 90, 91.

**From Wiki 9-17-14

The result was first felt and then wool, and suddenly humans had yarn, then looms and textiles. If sheep farming was the first industry, wool became the first great trade commodity. By the Middle Ages, wool drove the economies of Europe: the Renaissance was largely financed on the profits from the wool trade. Today, synthetic fibres have dramatically reduced wool production in Europe and America: 60% now comes from Australia, New Zealand and China.

Click here to see the Kuvasz History Klips blog!