Friday, October 11, 2024

Hurricane Milton

Good morning, dear blog readers,

Once again the Goddess of Meterology waved her magic wand and protected our little neighborhood from major hurricane damage and tornadoes. Only a few branches and a few fences fell. No flooding from storm surge or heavy rain. Our roof is intact. Electrical power is still out--no air conditioning but the weather is fairly cool so we can open windows to catch the breeze, and of course we have several little battery-powered fans.  Not much cell phone service; Internet service has been "interrupted" for 3+ days.

The night the hurricane hit, the skies went dark and, the house was dark. I sat in the pitch darkness not able to see a thing,* and heard only the wind whooshing by. I went to bed and when I awoke a few hours later the sun was shining, and sky was blue and a cool, gentle breeze was blowing, to the accompaniment of the sound of chainsaws off in the distance. Our handyman company fixed our fence that afternoon. The fridge is still keeping food cool.

So that was my experience of the Hurricane of the Century that was supposed to make a direct hit on our area. 

*Yes, I have flashlights but I wanted to see the storm in its natural state.

Our thoughts and prayers and charitable donations will hopefully help people around the world who are experiencing destructive weather.

Kuvasz posts will be returning shortly!