Fierce sports rivalry between Switzerland and Hungary. |
There have now been 184,000 viewings of Kuvasz Klips! There are 7,131 posts on the blog. This blog has been seen in 105 countries around the world, in all 6 continents of the world where dogs live: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Kuvasz live in all, now including Africa, where several Kuvasz "cousins" also live. (Or 5 continents if considering that Europe and Asia are actually one continent, Eurasia.) These are amazing numbers for a blog written about a fairly obscure subject, a rare dog breed, the Kuvasz!
About the family of Livestock Guardian Dogs...
“To this day flocks are guarded in the hills of Asia, Europe and Africa* by powerful, robust dogs that are neither clumsy nor pacific. Despite the distances that separate them these breeds have much in common, and the Kuvasz is a member of this extended sheepdog family.”
*(and now also in North America, South America and Australia)
Click here to see the Kuvasz History Klips blog!