One of the ads from the 2013 WDS, the year the Kuvasz was the model dog. |
Click here to see other views of the photo shoot:
Click here to see the official poster: 2013-world-dog-show-in-budapest-poster
There have now been 179,000 viewings of Kuvasz Klips! There are 7,104 posts on the blog. Views are coming in fast! This blog has been seen in 105 countries around the world, in all 6 continents of the world where dogs live: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Kuvasz live in all, now including Africa, where several Kuvasz "cousins" also live. (Or 5 continents if considering that Europe and Asia are actually one continent, Eurasia.) These are amazing numbers for a blog written about a fairly obscure subject, a rare dog breed, the Kuvasz!
About the family of Livestock Guardian Dogs...
“To this day flocks are guarded in the hills of Asia, Europe and Africa* by powerful, robust dogs that are neither clumsy nor pacific. Despite the distances that separate them these breeds have much in common, and the Kuvasz is a member of this extended sheepdog family.”
*(and now also in North America, South America and Australia)
Click here to see the Kuvasz History Klips blog!