Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Kuvasz "cousins" -- Maremma of penguin-protecting fame in Australia

Eudy passed away last year but this is another article and has other photos from the original post. Click here to see the article:  Eudy, penguin-protecting-maremma-made-famous-by-oddball-movie-dies

"Eudy and her sister, Tula, were the first maremma guardian dogs specifically trained to protect the now world-famous little penguin colony on Middle Island, near Warrnambool."  The first penguin protecting Maremma was Oddball who had no training at all, just using her natural instincts as an LGD. (Yes, Oddball was a female, even though she was depicted as a male in the movie.)

About the family of Livestock Guardian Dogs...

“To this day flocks are guarded in the hills of Asia, Europe and Africa* by powerful, robust dogs that are neither clumsy nor pacific. Despite the distances that separate them these breeds have much in common, and the Kuvasz is a member of this extended sheepdog family.” 

From: Dr. Buzády Tibor. 2002. Dogs of Hungary. Translated by Bernard Adams. Budapest, Hungary: Nóra Kiadó.  P. 100.

*(and now also in North America, South America and Australia)

Click here to see the Kuvasz History Klips blog!