Monday, September 13, 2021

9th Annual "DAY OF KUVASZ LOYALTY" -- the army tanks

Bjørn Olav of Fjellflokken Kennel in Norway shares these photos of his courageous and determined Kuvaszok.

NATO's military exercise called Trident Juncture occurred in Norway and Iceland in October and November 2018.

This is exactly the same behavior described in the "Day of Kuvasz Loyalty," remembering the Soviet invasion of Hungary in World War II, in which other brave Kuvaszok also faced down military tanks by their owners' property fences. Their fate was disastrous, and we honor them always.

"But coming home they had to face reality, most of the Kuvaszes lied shot down near the fence. The Kuvaszes left behind tried to save the home of their owners!!! 

"The warning shots were useless, the roaring tanks, the rumbling guns did not frighten them away. When everybody ran away, they protected with loyalty what they had been entrusted to guard."
From "Day of Kuvasz Loyalty," created in 2013 by Vajó Zoltán of