Sunday, March 1, 2020

Poodle's corded coat, like the Komondor's

I saw a picture of a corded Poodle and was fascinated by the resemblance to the Komondor coat. And how different it looks from the brushed-out Poodle coat. (No Kuvasz here, but the Kom is a Kuvasz "cousin," a fellow Livestock Guardian Dog.)

Compare those photos of the Poodle corded coat to these of the Komondor corded coat:
Edit of Zalai-subás Komondor És Puli Tenyészto Kennel in Hungary
shares this photo of one of her adult Komondorok.
Katalin of Hevesi Portámkincse Komondor Kennel in Hungary 
shares this photo of her Cserkész, who has a new haircut.

What would the corded Poodles look like if their faces weren't shaved? The vintage photo looks as if the cords are there but a few cords have been clipped off the face, as the Kom sometimes has, or pulled up into a topknot.

Click here to see the Kuvasz History Klips blog!