I saw a picture of a corded Poodle and was fascinated by the resemblance to the Komondor coat. And how different it looks from the brushed-out Poodle coat. (No Kuvasz here, but the Kom is a Kuvasz "cousin," a fellow Livestock Guardian Dog.)
Compare those photos of the Poodle corded coat to these of the Komondor corded coat:
Edit of Zalai-subás Komondor És Puli Tenyészto Kennel in Hungary shares this photo of one of her adult Komondorok. |
Katalin of Hevesi Portámkincse Komondor Kennel in Hungary
shares this photo of her Cserkész, who has a new haircut. |
What would the corded Poodles look like if their faces weren't shaved? The vintage photo looks as if the cords are there but a few cords have been clipped off the face, as the Kom sometimes has, or pulled up into a topknot.