Monday, June 24, 2019

"Do they shed?" - Kuv and Kom

This is Bricka of Redmoon Kuvasz Kennel in Canada after a brushout.
This is my Lany in Florida after a brushout.
These ribbons of fur are from a Komondor owned by Justyn in Poland.
This is Justyn's Komondor, Hera, in Poland after a trim.
I know Koms have their own grooming challenges, but at least there is not a constant supply of tumbleweeds of white fur in the house as there is for Kuv owners.

"Unfortunately, Kuvasz do shed a lot of hair, moulting twice annually, which give [sic] the housewife cause for irritation."

From: Dr. Tibor Buzády, Dogs of Hungary, trans. Bernard Adams (Budapest, Hungary: Nóra Kiadó, 2002), p. 100.

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