The story of Remington: Remi escaped his "escape-proof" harness and was on the loose for 5 days in temperatures as low as 4 degrees F. The weather gradually warmed to above zero (32 F) which only brought rain and turned the frozen ground into mud. About 60 local people joined the search in person, in the dark and cold, including local media and law enforcement. Many others helped on social media, sharing info on sightings. See posts and links below:
Kelly of Redmoon's Kuvasz Kennel in British Columbia shares this photo and news.
Check Andy's FB page for updates:
See blog post and TV interview, from WAND-TV in Decatur, Illinois:
Click here for the blog post: town-rallies-to-find-truckers-lost-dog
Click here for TV interview: RemingtonTheKuvasz/video