Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas 2015 - 1 Maurice Richard

I'm sharing this photo of my Great Pyrenees, Maurice-Richard (named after the Canadian hockey player).  As you know, I refer to all LGDs as "cousins," and he is my Kuvasz "cousin." I'm featuring him this year for Christmas instead of my Kuvasz, who were featured at Halloween.

I was involved in Pyrenees rescue for a while and he was a puppy that I fostered and then adopted. I placed this photo in some of my paper Christmas cards a few years ago, and now want to share it with everyone via the Internet. 

Maurice had a genetic disease that caused all the collagen in his body to disintegrate. He's two years old in this photo--a full-grown male Pyr. He died about 3 months after this photo was taken.

But he was a real LGD. He was spunky, sociable, energetic (as much as his physical limitations allowed) and had a good appetite, and was an excellent guard dog. We were happy to have him, even for such a short time.

We wish all LGDs a merry Christmas and a happy 2016!