Sunday, May 10, 2015

Kuvasz "cousin" - Great Pyr in TV commercial

Click here to see the commercial: Great Pyrenees in TV commercial (though the site may be expired)

Also, see the Dr Pepper ad with PuliMarch 22, 2015

If anyone finds this ad online anywhere, please let me know. 

About the ad, the link for which is gone:

I think the story is that a man owns a Pyr and a Bulldog, and the Bulldog has gotten lost. The woman on the computer conversation apparently has found the Bulldog and invites the man to come get the Bulldog.  The Pyr has missed his Bulldog buddy and is depressed, and even refuses to leave the truck. But when he sees the Bulldog emerge from the house, he becomes his usual happy self and runs to greet his buddy.

The ad is titled "Love Connection," and we see that the love connection is between the dogs, not a romantic relationship between the humans.

This ad was on Bright House cable network, now called Spectrum.