Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Alma wins

Enikő in Hungary shares this photo of Dunamenti Jeles Alma who has had a very successful show day. Some of her awards are in the photo inset.
Dunamenti Jeles kuvasz kennel- Tenyésztési Nagydíj 1. helyezett
Mosonmagyaróvár CAC, 2015.05.24.
Breeding group, 1st place
Köszönjük a képet K-né Brenner Andinak/ thanks for the pic

Breeding kennel-kuvasz Danube Illustrious Grand Prix 1. placed in the Mosonmagyaróvár CAC, 2015.05.24.
Breeding group, 1st place
Thank you for the picture K-né Andinak Brenner/thanks for the pic.

Translated by Bing