Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kuvasz "cousin" - Polish Tatra Dog named BooBoo

Tina in New York meets a Polish Tatra named BooBoo on the streets of Manhattan. Tina writes:

"Look at the lovely 9-month-old female Polish Tatra that I met today while I was walking on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The owner went to Poland to get her. They also have a home in Maine, so this is one happy LGD. She was very, very sweet!

"After a few minutes she relaxed and realized that I was a BWD person and she just laid down and let me rub her all over. I didn't try any kisses though -- ha ha!"

The information below is from Wikipedia and Google Translate.

The Polish Owczarek Podhalanski, also Tatra Sheepdog, Tatra Dog, Tatra Shepherd Dog, and Podhalaner, is one of the FCI recognized Polish breeds (FCI Group 1, Section 1, Standard no. 252).

This sheepdog is a close relative of the Kuvasz and Cuvac and probably also related to the other great mountain herding dogs of Europe, about the Bergamasco Sheepdog. He comes from the large Asian mastiffs from who came to Europe about 1,000 years ago.

The Polish Tatra Sheepdog, which sometimes goes by the Owczarek Podhalanski and the Polish Mountain Sheepdog, originated in Podhale, in the Tatra Mountain area of Poland, hence the breed's name. The word “Owczarek” means “shepherd.”